Tariff Finder - FTA Analyzer
A tender project
A Free Trade Agreement Analyzer which provides information using HS Codes of products internationally and allow users to find out the different tariffs required to pay according to Free Trade Agreements between Importing and Exporting countries they wish to ship from and to.
The Tariff Finder shall serve as a user-friendly comprehensive database of tariff and non-tariff measures including Most Favoured Nation (MFN) rates, preferential rates, rules of origin and product specific rules, and import formalities.
Users shall be able to use the database of information to not only evaluate the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) landscape to maximize tariff preferential benefits that can be obtained, but also gather verified information on destination specific general and specific import formalities.
The Tariff Finder is a tender project for ESG Singapore back in year 2018, when they were still using Mendel's old design. Eventually, GeTS also decided to develop our own Free Trade Analyzer, under another product, Hive.
Product Requirements
Within the Tender Requirement Specifications document of 21 pages, the features and functions needed are stated clearly; in scope and out of scope, from MUST HAVE to GOOD TO HAVE.
Stakeholder and User Research
Interviews were done with internal stakeholders; mainly because GeTS ourselves, are also part of the target user group.
Talks and consultations occur mostly with Product Manager, Sales, Account Managers, and Data Analysts & Scientists.
Old Customer Journey Mapping
Why and how a user will use the Tariff Finder.
1. NTP or ESG Users can access to the 'Tariff Finder' tab through necessary tabs on ESG website.

3. To enter the Tariff Finder Free Trade Analyzer platform, click 'Access Now'.

2. Users can actually also find the general Free Trade Agreements on ESG's website, but they are not provided with any guidance.

4. You will be brought to the Log In page of the Tariff Finder platform.

Analysis of Original Design
Analyse the original Tariff Finder on ESG by Mendel. The original shots are missing, hence I will be using the snapshots below of current solution on ESG (for the same analysis). From the previous, Mendel has made a few changes, mainly color scheme and some performance upgrade. However, in terms of UX, it does not fare far from the previous one they had.

A snapshot of Mendel's current solution on the Tariff FInder
1. Top bar 'Nomenclature...' is redundant on the first page as they are informative and non-clickable. These are only useful within a HS Code page.
2. Tree View is not shown upfront; it is only displayed when a Search is done - the user is unable to do a manual search
3. Nomenclature (Section 1 01 to 05) is unclear within Search Results
4. HS Code Page Details are all displayed at one go, similar to a PDF - cluttered and disorganised
5. No alerts on Updates

Findings and Insights
From the research above, there are areas lacking and also much room for improvement.
Purpose, Lack of User Journey
The real estate on first glance is heavy, what should the user do upon entering?
What exactly is the user journey here?
Unknown-unknowns in Search
What can the user search for if what he wants has to be keyed in? Eg. Keying in the exact HS Code in the Search bar, but he does not know what it is. He only knows what he is shipping.
Information Hierarchy
Instructions and information floats about everywhere, there is no proper information architecture.
The platform is not engaging, it looks like a digital brochure.
Real Estate/Information Architecture
Defining the main features necessary.

Looking into the data structure and understanding what the numbers of the HS Code means.

User Journey
Having defined the estates we require, a quick sketch best help with a clear user journey.

With a short and clear user journey, iterations were done together with the design of the user interface.
Having defined the estates we require, a quick sketch best help with a clear user journey.
Providing instructions with step by step approach.
Step by Step User journey, Progress bar, indication of Im/Ex countries throughout, mobile design
Final Design
Incorporates design of logo, color, and the final user experience.
Main User Flow
Step by Step User journey, Progress bar, indication of Im/Ex countries throughout, New Search