A marketing website for the global supply chain orchestration tool
Calista is a Global Supply Chain Orchestration tool to manage physical logistics, compliance and financial requirements of trade and supply chain. This project focuses on the public website that provides information about the Calista tool, to encourage enquiries and generate leads.

CALISTA is new supply chain orchestration platform that had a soft launch. This project aims to create a new marketing website to promote CALISTA's concept and capabilities and serve as an online informative website to attract potential business partners and customers. THe platform was not to be shown on the platform, but mainly the idea and concept behind it.
This project took about 2 months, working closely with my front-end engineer, and marketers.
This is a straight-forward project with clear marketing content, hence research is low and we were only given 2 months to launch, which means about 1 month for design and the other for development.
As there is no product manager involved, my marketer and I work together on this project. He provides the copywirting content for the entire website at the same time when I was still working on the I.A. and UI to speed things up.
Revisiting the old
Lack of proper segmentation of information. There are much more information of CALISTA required to be placed on the page, and this one just does not cut it, and is unable to add on more information.

Market Research
Understanding the industry, as well as the types of services they provide. The competitive edge can be seen at a glance, and CALISTA on first impression already loses out. Research for future UI was also done here.

User Research
With our pool of users in the company (GeTS), who uses other platforms as well, I crafted a survey to ask for what they would find informative and useful. This includes a mixture of users who are non-CALISTA users and CALISTA signees.
We gathered a pool of ideas on what type of content users would like to see.
Stakeholder Workshop
We had a few stakeholders here - key product owners, marketer, CEO to do some open card sorting exercise with us.

A portion of the intial workshop with stakeholders
Research Insights
User, Market and Stakeholder Research points to these few insights and actionables:
Dynamic, Fluidity
CALISTA is a supply-chain orchestration platform, but the original website feels backward.
We have no clear target users, because ScoutAsia is too generic. There is no clear purpose.
Our users have different profiles, hence different needs – they only need what is relevant to them
Content, Assets
Stakeholders have alot more content to put. Users wish to see more content. However, the current website is not informative, and lack of structure.
We are of no threat to others; competitors have engaging visuals.
Our clickthrough rate cannot be measured, there is no hierarchy to any other page.
We are defining not only the website information and content, but also the actual products and platforms that GeTS are offering under the name of CALISTA. It is a fundamental issue that we had, thus alot of decision comes top down from the CEO.
Information Architecture
Information that stakeholders and users proposed, given the type of services we provide. This stage took awhile due to the lack of clarity on the grouping of the services. It was an issue as all services were individual and separately sold without much structure. However, CALISTA became a new overarching platform to hold all our services, hence the I.A. took awhile, with discussions between myself, my marketer and the different product owners.
There are also new names and sections introduced.

Wireframing the template of important pages: Homepage, Resource Page, Content Page

Branding and Visuals
CALISTA's branding was not formed yet; as a UIUX designer and Visual Designer in GeTS, I decided to create a new branding for CALISTA, a quick guideline. Of course, the direction and key guidelines were given by the CEO, but in line with the insights: Dynamism, Vibrance.

Iterations with styling.

Final Design
UI and interactions are decided here. The design aims to portray CALISTA to always be at the forefront of transition, dynamism and a platform that brings vibrance and delight to its users.

Design + UAT
During front-end development, we work in sprints. Design for templates was done first, so that FE is able to develop the structure, follows by design.
Interactions are also decided here while FE codes, we work very closely together.
With the sprints, UI checks are done consecutively each time my FE is able to show me a draft.
The CALISTA project was only given a short time frame, hence many things are done on the go, such as the I.A., the copywritings, the user interactions etc. The product itself is not firm up well, causing unclear directions and a lack of time for more clarity. With the short research allowance given, we have to trust the process and always listen to the direction of the decision maker.
Bulk of the project lies in UI design and branding.